Need Your Estate Appraised?
While many people wait until they are older to have their property appraised, it is never too early to plan for your family’s financial future.
Need an Honest Appraisal?
Please fill out the form and we will get back to you shortly.
Be Prepared for Anything
If you’re not certain of the value of your assets, such as your home, land, jewelry, or collectibles, then your beneficiaries may pay more in taxes than they would have anticipated when you die.
Honest Valuations
Real estate is one of the major assets in a family’s financial portfolio and as the years go by, the value of your home may fluctuate. It is important to know the value of your property in order to make decisions about the division of your assets later on.
Let Desert Eagle Help You
Our experienced estate appraisers will determine the Market Value of Property as of a certain date. Knowing the value of the property at a point in time prior to the client’s death will help establish a foundation for serious financial and estate planning.
Why Desert Eagle?
Established in 2007, Desert Eagle Appraisals has earned a top reputation for providing fair valuations of residential real estate in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.